
Just One Fling: Sneak Peek!

Harrison Dare stepped into the ballroom at the Meridian NYC Hotel which was heavily decorated for Halloween. He scanned the room, telling himself he was admiring the dรฉcor and not looking for the elusive woman he couldnโ€™t get out of his head.

Winter Capwell, a brilliant reporter, and a sexy siren in one delectable package. Theyโ€™d met at his companyโ€™s Hampton offices this past summer for an in-depth interview with the K-Talent Productions team. The sparks had been immediate and hot.

He hadnโ€™t felt that kind of connection with anyone before. Not even with Sharon McNally, his one-time girlfriend, a woman with whom he thought heโ€™d had a future. Instead sheโ€™d used him for his Hollywood connections, betrayed him, and taught him the value of no emotional entanglements.

He shook off those memories and returned to thinking about Winter. Theyโ€™d tried to keep things professional but their chemistry had been too strong to ignore. Add in the fact that sheโ€™d asked him many personal questions, and since theyโ€™d spent so much time together, in bed and out, a part of him felt like heโ€™d revealed things to Winter, the woman, not the reporter.

He knew better, of course, and had kept his head when answering, giving her the practiced answers necessary to keep his privacy.

For a man who liked no strings, Winter had seemed like the ideal woman. She hadnโ€™t been interested in a relationship any more than he had and theyโ€™d agreed to a casual relationship while she was in the Hamptons interviewing his team this past summer.

It was perfect.

She was perfect.

A hookup that was nothing more than a warm body in his bed. He told himself she would satisfy a need, the same as any other female heโ€™d been involved with in the past. Except Winter had quickly become more, and Harrison didnโ€™t know what to make of that.

True, his siblings were settling down, all but Zach, but Harrison had ruled out marriage and kids for himself. Any thoughts of having his own family had been derailed by the girlfriend heโ€™d hoped to propose to. Sharon had no problems with the notion of using the casting couch to secure better roles despite having a serious boyfriend at the time.

Winter had come into his life and sheโ€™d been an unexpected treat but heโ€™d kept to the plan and their time together came to an end when the interview had. These days, Harrisonโ€™s production work kept him busy as did his large family, most of whom would be here tonight.

With a groan, he looked around the room. Since Winter was nowhere to be found, he focused on the event itself. The Kingston and Dare families used any excuse to raise money for charity and tonight was no exception. The funds donated would go to Future Fast Track for foster children, the charity Aurora, married to Harrisonโ€™s brother, Nick, had founded to help kids about to age out of foster care.

The event was full, the entry fee and plate cost were high, and the dรฉcor was elaborate thanks to Harrisonโ€™s sister, Jade, the event coordinator for the Dare family Meridian hotels. Keeping with a spooky theme, onyx and purple linens covered the tables. The centerpieces consisted of black pumpkins and white skeleton heads surrounded by long twigs, purple feathers, and similar-hued flowers. His sister had outdone herself tonight.

โ€œWhatโ€™s got you looking like a proud papa?โ€ Dash Kingston, lead singer of the band, The Original Kings, strode up to him, holding one-year-old son, Freddie in his arms.

โ€œProud brother. I was just admiring Jadeโ€™s talent,โ€ Harrison said, adjusting his bowtie. No matter how many parties and award shows he attended, he still hated the feeling of being strangled by the damn thing.

โ€œYouโ€™re looking uncomfortable,โ€ Dash said with a smirk. โ€œWho are you supposed to be or is that penguin suit just a way to avoid putting on a costume?โ€

โ€œBond. James Bond,โ€ Harrison said in a practiced British accent. He let his gaze skirt over the other manโ€™s jeans and Original Kings band t-shirt. โ€œWhat about you?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m Dash Kingston, rock star,โ€ Dash laughed, knowing he was bending the rules by going as himself, and clearly not giving a damn. His sister, Aurora, wouldnโ€™t give him too much of a hard time. โ€œAnd this is Freddie Mercury. Give the crowd a wave,โ€ he said to his son.

The little boy with his motherโ€™s green eyes, his fatherโ€™s dark hair, and famous dimple in one cheek waved a chubby hand.  He gripped a blow-up guitar in the other and kept knocking Dash in the head with it.

โ€œGood job!โ€ Dash grinned indulgently at the young toddler. โ€œFreddie pulled off his mustache, earlier. Didnโ€™t you, little man?โ€

Harrison shook his head and laughed. โ€œFreddieโ€™s the greatest rock star ever,โ€ he told the boy, a deliberate dig at Dash, both because his son wouldnโ€™t understand and thatโ€™s how his and Dashโ€™s friendship rolled.

Dash frowned at Harrison and moved the guitar that had bopped him in the nose. โ€œLetโ€™s go find your mom.โ€ He leaned in so Freddie couldnโ€™t hear. โ€œCassidyโ€™s dressed as Madonnaโ€™s character from some 80โ€™s movie. Sheโ€™s hot.โ€ He chuckled and moved the guitar away from his face again. โ€œTalk to you later, Bond.โ€

The boy banged his plastic instrument against his dadโ€™s head as they strode away.

โ€œHeโ€™s a good father,โ€ Asherโ€™s familiar voice said, his brother sneaking up beside him.

โ€œHe is.โ€ Harrison turned to his oldest sibling, who wore a pair of Leviโ€™s and a black mock turtleneck.

Knowing his Asher was the most serious of them all and the least likely to dress up, Harrison took an educated guess at his costume. โ€œSteve Jobs?โ€

Asher nodded.

Their family had agreed to surprise each other tonight and no one knew what anyone else was wearing. Since Jobs, Appleโ€™s co-founder, was known for sporting that same outfit day in and day out, it wasnโ€™t a hard guess. The Apple CEO had once been quoted as saying he owned over one hundred Issey Miyake black turtlenecks.

Asher gave Harrison a once over. โ€œBond?โ€ he guessed.

Harrison grinned. โ€œWho else?โ€ Knowing Asher wouldnโ€™t be here alone, Harrison glanced over his brotherโ€™s shoulder in search of his fiancรฉe and hopefully her side-kick.

โ€œWinter and Nikki stopped at the restroom. Theyโ€™ll be here in a few minutes,โ€ Asher said.

Harrison opened his mouth to protest but Asher shook his head. โ€œDonโ€™t bother. We both know youโ€™re looking for Winter.โ€

Caught, Harrison clamped his mouth shut.

โ€œShe came by tonight so the women could help each other with their costumes,โ€ Asher said.

โ€œOf course.โ€ The women werenโ€™t just, as close as sisters, Harrison thought. They were sisters. And the news had been the secret that had been eating away at Winter during Asher and Nikkiโ€™s engagement party over Labor Day weekend.

When Winter finally admitted her relationship to the Bettencourts, Harrison had understood why Winter had been so preoccupied that night. Why sheโ€™d had too much to drink and no doubt why sheโ€™d ended up in Harrisonโ€™s bed again. After theyโ€™d agreed the end wasโ€ฆ the end.

โ€œThere they are.โ€ Asher raised a hand, capturing his fianceโ€™s attention.

Nikki waved back but Harrison only had eyes for Winter, entranced by her beauty. A little black dress hugged her curves while black heels accentuated her long legs. Legs heโ€™d had wrapped around his waist and wanted there again.

He bit back a groan, staring instead at her beautiful features, her eyes covered by dark-tinted, black-framed sunglasses. Her dark, shoulder-length hair was pulled back with a comb on one side, revealing a multi-strand pearl necklace with a diamond brooch against her soft skin.

Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffanyโ€™s reincarnated.

He drew in a sharp breath, causing Asher to chuckle.

โ€œFuck you,โ€ Harrison muttered, sliding his gaze to Nikki. It was safer to look at his brotherโ€™s fiancรฉ. It would give his sudden hard-on a chance to subside before the women crossed the room.

The sisters had obviously planned to coordinate because Nikki was also dressed as Holly Golightly from the movie but unlike Winterโ€™s dressy outfit, Nikki opted for the bedroom scene costume. She wore a sleepshirt on top, tasseled earrings, and an eye mask pushed up on her forehead. On her feet, sheโ€™d slipped on pink, fuzzy bedroom slippers.

No doubt Asher would be escorting her home to remove that nightshirt as soon as they could politely escape. Considering Harrison wanted to do the same to Winter, his guess was beyond an educated one.

The women made their way across the increasingly crowded ballroom and walked up to them. Nikki slid into Asherโ€™s waiting arms, snuggling against her fiancรฉ.

Facing Harrison, she grinned up at him. โ€œHi, Harrison.โ€

He kissed her cheek before turning to โ€ฆ โ€œWinter.โ€ He smiled, his gaze lingering on hers as he did his best not to ogle her sensual curves.

โ€œHarrison.โ€ She looked him over, her emerald gaze darkening, telling him he wasnโ€™t the only one affected. โ€œAre you going to a premiere afterward or is this your costume?โ€ she asked in a husky voice.

He gave her a mock bow. โ€œJames Bond at your service.โ€

She let out a laugh. โ€œOh, I love that.โ€

He did his best not to preen under her admiration. โ€œYou two ladies look gorgeous.โ€ But his pulse only ran fast for one of them.

Nikki laughed. โ€œItโ€™s fun. Iโ€™m not surprised you know who we are, being an actor and all.โ€

He inclined his head. โ€œBreakfast at Tiffanyโ€™s is a classic.โ€

โ€œBut not everyone knows the movie by name. Iโ€™ve been asked a few times already,โ€ Nikki said.

A few seconds of silence followed, during which Nikkiโ€™s gaze shot from her sister to Harrison.

โ€œAsher, would you come with me to get a drink?โ€ she not so subtly asked her fiancรฉ.

โ€œOf course. Anyone else want something?โ€ Asher asked.

โ€œIโ€™d love a club soda, if you donโ€™t mind?โ€ Winterโ€™s hand went to her stomach and Nikkiโ€™s expression turned to one of concern.

Harrison narrowed his gaze, also worried. โ€œAre you okay?โ€

โ€œI didnโ€™t eat much today. Iโ€™m just a little lightheaded.

โ€œStill?โ€ Nikkiโ€™s lips turned downward in a frown. โ€œOkay well, we can grab you some appetizers, too. They might help. Be right back.โ€ Nikki and Asher walked towards the bar across the room and Harrison decided to use the time alone with Winter.

โ€œIs that all thatโ€™s wrong? Lack of food?โ€ Heโ€™d hate it if she was sick.

She nodded. โ€œI think so. That and stress,โ€ she admitted.

Given her life lately, he understood. โ€œHow have you been, really?โ€

She drew in a deep breath and exhaled, then propped her sunglasses on top of her head.

Harrison studied her more closely, seeing now that her porcelain skin was pale.

She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the lack of dark lenses. โ€œThatโ€™s so much better than staring into darkness.โ€ She tipped her head towards an empty corner of the room. โ€œLetโ€™s move over there to talk.โ€

Understanding she wanted privacy for this conversation, he grasped her elbow and led her to where sheโ€™d indicated.

โ€œAnyway,โ€ she said, once no one was walking past them. โ€œIโ€™m okay. It helped that the DNA test came back quickly, and Nikki and Derek were understanding.โ€ She pulled her lower lip between her teeth and he withheld a groan, wanting to taste those plump lips himself.

โ€œIโ€™m glad they took it well,โ€ he said.

She nodded. โ€œThey did. Mostly. Derek was upset I didnโ€™t come clean as soon as I grew closer with Nikki but Iโ€™m learning heโ€™s protective of his sister.โ€ She stepped back and leaned against the wall.

โ€œUnderstandable.โ€ Nikki had been through a lot and that was before the sister-revelation.

โ€œBut they both get why I waited. I was looking out for Nikki. First the scandal, then the engagement. It never seemed like the right time. And I didnโ€™t want to burst her bubble with life-altering news.โ€

The reminder of the engagement party had her blushing because that was when theyโ€™d indulged in a repeat of the summer. Something he couldnโ€™t regret and he hoped she didnโ€™t either.

He and Winter hadnโ€™t spoken for a couple of weeks but the minute sheโ€™d walked into the room, heโ€™d sensed something was bothering her. Knowing how independent and capable she usually was, heโ€™d sensed a vulnerability underneath that typically strong journalistic exterior.

He’d asked her what was bothering her but she hadnโ€™t been in a talking mood. Heโ€™d volunteered his Hamptons home for the party and theyโ€™d wound up naked in his bed. Heโ€™d intended to find out what was wrong in the morning, but when heโ€™d woken up, Winter was gone.

Harrison had taken the hint and left her alone. Until the bombshell news broke.

 She drew a deep breath and let it out again. โ€œIโ€™m just grateful I have family now.โ€

Her soft smile did something weird to his insides. Jesus. She got to him on so many levels, Harrison thought. Sex was easy. Emotions โ€ฆ just fucking werenโ€™t. Heโ€™d shut his down after Sharon had hurt him but Winter had dug in deep. Though heโ€™d tried to get her out of his head, hitting the bar his brother, Zach, owned and going out with the guys in search of fun and women like he had in the past, his dick hadnโ€™t been interested.

Because other women werenโ€™t Winter.

โ€œIโ€™m happy for you,โ€ he said. Coming from a large family โ€“ four adult siblings from his father and mother, and another four with his father and Serenity, his former nanny, he knew the importance of having people in his corner.

He hadnโ€™t appreciated what he had when he was younger. After heโ€™d graduated high school and before leaving for college, heโ€™d been discovered by a talent agent while hanging out on a movie set courtesy of a friendโ€™s father. Going across the country had appealed to him because home was chaotic. He had four young siblings and he needed space and quiet to figure out who he wanted to be. He wasnโ€™t shallow but the Hollywood lights had beckoned. Heโ€™d loved the lifeโ€ฆ until it grew old and he missed his family.

โ€œThanks.โ€ Winter smiled but she appeared tired. There were dark circles sheโ€™d tried to hide under her eyes and it was obvious the wall held her up. He hoped Nikki and Asher returned quickly with food.

โ€œWhat about the senator?โ€ he asked, keeping the conversation flowing. โ€œHave you heard from him since you told him who you were?โ€

She winced. โ€œAnd trashed his marriage and chances for the presidency?โ€

Harrison touched Winterโ€™s shoulder, offering comfort. โ€œYou didnโ€™t cause any of that. He had the affair and his wife did the rest. You just told your truth.โ€

She nodded. โ€œI appreciate you thinking that way. And Harrison, thank you for checking inโ€ฆ you know, after it all happened.โ€

โ€œI wanted to make sure you were okay.โ€ In fact, he hadnโ€™t been able to stop thinking about her and wondering how she was holding up under the strain.

โ€œWeโ€™re back!โ€ Nikki and Asher strode up to them. Nikki had appetizer plates in her hands while Asher held the drinks.

โ€œOh, good. Winter, here.โ€ Nikki held out a plate to her sister. โ€œThis is tea-smoked duck, whatever that is.โ€

Winterโ€™s eyes opened wide and she shook her head. โ€œNo thanks.โ€ Her pale face turned even whiter. โ€œIโ€™m really not feeling well. I need to go home.โ€

โ€œI can take so you two can stay,โ€ Harrison offered, placing a hand under her elbow for support.

โ€œNo. I โ€“โ€œ

โ€œIโ€™ll go.โ€ Nikki cut Harrison off. โ€œNobody wants to get sick with anyone but family or a good friend around.โ€

Harrison tried not to be offended by the comment, knowing what Nikki meant.

โ€œWeโ€™ll take her,โ€ Asher said. โ€œMy driver is waiting.โ€

โ€œNo!โ€ This time, Nikkiโ€™s voice rose. โ€œYou stay. Your family is here. Let me handle it.โ€ She patted Asherโ€™s shoulder and turned to her sister. โ€œCome on. Iโ€™ll get you home, make you toast and jelly โ€ฆโ€ Her voice trailed off as she led Winter away.

Concern filled Harrison as he watched them walk off. He glanced at his brother. โ€œWhat the hell was that about?โ€ he asked.

Asher lifted his shoulders, looking as confused as Harrison felt. Nikki had seemed determined to get her sister out of the room.

โ€œWomen,โ€ Asher muttered and Harrison agreed.


Winter had taken one look at the duck, smelled the hors dโ€™oeuvre, and needed to get away. She rushed to the Ladiesโ€™ Room, Nikki right behind her. Thank goodness the outer area was empty. At the sink, she turned on the cold tap and placed her wrists beneath the running water. The cold sweat and nausea began to pass.

โ€œAre you okay?โ€ Nikki put a gentle hand on Winterโ€™s back.

โ€œYes. Sorry. I didnโ€™t mean to scare you. I just needed some air.โ€ She shut the faucet and picked up the hotel monogrammed paper towel and dried her hands, tossing it in the trash.

Turning, she faced her sister.

โ€œAre you sick?โ€ Nikki asked.

โ€œI donโ€™t think so.โ€ Winter hadnโ€™t lied to Harrison when sheโ€™d told him the same thing. โ€œI didnโ€™t eat a lot today and I skipped lunch. And the food we nibbled on while dressing didnโ€™t do much to fill me up. Thatโ€™s all.โ€

โ€œReally.โ€ Nikki studied her, hands on her hips. โ€œThen what was your excuse the other morning when you bailed on our coffee date because you were exhausted and not feeling well?โ€

โ€œI โ€“โ€œ

โ€œWas exhausted and not feeling well,โ€ Nikki finished for her.

Winter lifted her shoulders in a half-hearted shrug. โ€œI didnโ€™t realize it was becomingโ€ฆ a thing.โ€

Nikki patted the lounge chair beside the one sheโ€™d settled into and Winter sat down. โ€œMaybe you need to go for blood tests? See if anything is going on? Youโ€™re nauseous, tiredโ€ฆโ€

Hearing the list, Winter nodded. Sheโ€™d been busy finishing writing and turning in an article that was due and stressing about the upheaval sheโ€™d caused the man who was her father, not to mention worried about Nikki and Derek despite their assurances they were fine.

Winter hadnโ€™t had much time to think about herself or how she was feeling. Now that she gave her issues serious consideration, she realized there were other symptoms.

โ€œWhat is it?โ€ Nikki asked into the silence.

Winter swallowed hard. โ€œWell, Iโ€™ve gained some weight because this little black dress is a lot tighter than I remember,โ€ she said, wishing she could loosen the material. โ€œAnd my boobs hurt,โ€ she admitted.

โ€œHoly shit! Winter, could you be pregnant?โ€

She sat up straight and stared at her new sister, suddenly aware the symptoms she was experiencing could point in that direction. โ€œI โ€ฆ Iโ€™m on the pill.โ€ She rubbed her suddenly throbbing temple. โ€œBut I had strep before your engagement party and was on an antibiotic the week prior.โ€ She thought back and tried to remember. โ€œI think I was still taking it the night of the partyโ€ฆ and I slept with Harrison but we used protection. I know we did.โ€

โ€œYou drank. A lot. Are you sure?โ€

She nodded. โ€œBut if the pill was ineffective because of the antibiotic and condoms arenโ€™t one hundred percent. Oh God,โ€ she moaned.

She peeked through her hands as she faced her half-sister, who at twenty-one-years-old, was more perceptive than Winter was at twenty-four. โ€œI wasnโ€™t just busy with work and my crazy exploding life, I was in deep denial.โ€ She began to breathe too rapidly, the all too likely possibility settling in.

โ€œOkay so forgive me but I have to ask. If you are pregnant, are you sure itโ€™s Harrisonโ€™s?โ€ Nikkiโ€™s squinted eyes and apologetic expression said it all.

Winter nodded. โ€œThereโ€™s been nobody since โ€ฆ I canโ€™t even remember right now. Definitely, before I ever met Harrison.โ€ Which made her moan again because her potential baby daddy? He didnโ€™t want kids at all.

Sheโ€™d asked that very question during their interview session where sheโ€™d channeled her inner Barbara Walters in asking uncomfortable questions her audience would want to know the answers to.

โ€œWhat do you see in your future? You come from an extremely large family. Is that what you want, too? Lots of kids?โ€ Winter had asked.

Heโ€™d laughed, showing off those sexy dimples. โ€œOh, hell, no. I have four adult siblings and four younger ones. I grew up in a loud, busy house. Iโ€™ll take my single life of peace and quiet, thank you.โ€

She swallowed over the bile threatening to rise in her throat.

โ€œCome on.โ€ Nikki stood, grasped Winterโ€™s hand and pulled her to her feet.

โ€œWhere are we going?โ€

โ€œTo your place but weโ€™re stopping at a drug store and buying a few home pregnancy tests, first.โ€

At the same moment, the bathroom door opened and a group of women walked in, laughing and talking loudly. Any further personal conversation would have to wait.

โ€œI can do it all myself,โ€ Winter told Nikki. โ€œNo need for you to miss the party. Youโ€™re all dressed up and everything.โ€

Nikki rolled her eyes. โ€œI know youโ€™re accustomed to doing things alone, but get used to me being around. I wouldnโ€™t leave you now if you paid me to go.โ€

Winter managed a smile and gratitude filled her. The last thing she wanted was to find out whether or not she was pregnant by herself. She just wouldnโ€™t have thought to ask her new sister to stay.

โ€œThank you,โ€ she whispered.

There was a chance she wasnโ€™t pregnantโ€ฆ The stress surrounding her was real. She had her biological father trying to talk to her and the press attempting to interview the former senatorโ€™s illegitimate daughter. If it turned out Winter was carrying Hollywoodโ€™s Hottest Playboyโ€™s baby, there would be no place for her to hide.

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Narrated by Jason Clarke and Samantha Cook