
Tempt Me

  • Bodyguard,
  • Forced Proximity,
  • Second Chances,
  • Single Dad/Single Mom,
  • Workplace Romance

  • Release Date: January 16, 2018

    The single dad & the nanny…

    Burned by an ex with a wandering eye, Austin Rhodes has sworn off women. His sole focus is his young daughter โ€“ and despite his good intentions, the little girlโ€™s live-in nanny.

    He hired Mia Atwood to care for his child but he finds himself lusting after her instead. Keeping his distance isnโ€™t easy but heโ€™s determined to be a gentleman. Until Miaโ€™s past comes back to haunt her and sheโ€™s in need of Austinโ€™s brand of protection.

    Suddenly sheโ€™s his in every sense of the word โ€” and heโ€™ll do whatever it takes to shield the woman who tempts him beyond reason.

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    Narrated by: Sophie Eastlake

    Also in this series: