
Commit If You Dare – Lacey Wolfe

Commit If you Dare – Lacey Wolfeย 

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CommitIfYouDareย  It’s summer vacation and it’s going to be a memorable one for Jacklynn Holmes. She’s just gotten out of a bad relationship, and all she wants is a hot, sexy fling or two.
Sports reporter to the Miami Thunders, Emmett Woods has sworn to never again spen
d the night with a woman, but Jacklynn has him questioning if he should throw that motto out the window.
Both Jacklynn and Emmett arenโ€™t looking for a relationship, but after one steamy night between the sheets, they canโ€™t seem to get enough of one another. They arenโ€™t the only ones pining away for each other however, as a flirty neighbor and cheating ex-boyfriend butt their noses into the relationship Jacklynn and Emmett are trying to pretend doesnโ€™t exist.









Laceyย ย Lacey Wolfe has always had a passion for words, whether itโ€™s getting lost in a book or writing her own. Her goal as an author is to have a romance for everyone, whether itโ€™s sweet, sensual, or spicy. Sheโ€™s had several books on the Amazon best seller lists. When she isnโ€™t writing, she can be found running, talking to her pets, spending time with her family, or lost in some sort of craft. Oh, and she takes kindly to anyone who feeds her cookies.

Lacey lives in Georgia with her husband, son and daughter, their herd of cats and one black lab who rules the house.

Website: www.laceywolfe.com
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