20 thoughts on “Conferences”

  1. This will be my second year at Authors After Dark and I’ve gone to Coastal Magic the last two years. I love the chance to meet some of my favorite authors and also to find new favorites. It’s also fun to spend time with other readers who enjoy the same types of books.

  2. I went to RT NOLA this past May! It was my first Author event ! It was fun, crazy I loved it! I was able to meet authors I love to read. Met some of my book buddies who went! Going to RT Dallas2015 next year, plans with friends also going. Party time in Dallas. I’m 60 yrs old and had a hell of a time :glasses:

  3. Since I live in Israel it’s very hard for me to go to conference but I was able to go to Lori Foster Reader & Authir Ger Together back in 2011 and it was lots of fun.
    If money and time off from work weren;t a problem I wish I could go to Author’s After Dark since so many of ym fav authors are there this year.

  4. I have not been to a conference but I would love to. Most conferences are just not within a reasonable driving distance.

  5. Never been but would LOVE to attend at least one in my lifetime – hopefully more!
    Maybe when I’m retired.
    I have been to an author signing once at a local bookstore and it was nice since the author also spoke about her books, plans for stories, etc.
    Have a good time!

  6. No, I have not been. I never knew these conferences for readers even existed until I became Facebook friends with you. It sounds like a lot of fun though. I’d love to go some day!

  7. I have never been but would really love to attend one, I have so many authors that I read and have only met one in my lifetime she is Rachel Gibson as she was signing a book at Waldenbooks in Boise, Idaho where I am from. I was so excited to meet her. She was just starting out but already I knew she would be one of my to go to authors just like you, Jayne Ann Krentz, Catherine Coulter, Christina dodd to name a few.

  8. I haven’t attended any however I would love to. It seems that while I lived in the southeast, there was nuthin’. I moved back to the west…and there are so many that are happening there! Ah well. In order to attend one now, it may mean a plane trip so that I would need lots of notice for planning, etc. But I will keep my ear to the ground and keep hoping! I think that listening to writers’ thought processes would be amazing. Or a little scary. Could go either way! 😀 Have fun!

  9. I went to one in Orange County 2 years ago, don’t remember the name of the conference, but met Victoria Dahl. Had a great time. Would love to go to more.

  10. I have never been but would love to go to one – especially Lori Foster’s RAGT. I lived in Ohio until Sept 2013 but didn’t find out about this event until I moved to Florida. 🙁 I hope to attend next year and visit family and friends in Ohio – kill two birds with one stone. LOL

  11. I’ve never been and would love to go to one but can’t in the foreseeable (sp?) future. I am caring for my elderly, very ill mom. It would need to be a day trip and I don’t know of many conferences close enough that I could attend . . . and be able to leave on time!!

  12. I wanted to go to the one this past July in San Antonio, Tx since I live in East Texas but my car decided to break down.:( It was heartbreaking. I am still hoping I could attend a couple in the next year or two.

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