39 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!”

  1. :flagwave:
    I wish you a very Merry Christmas
    And a great and healthy year.
    Relax and enjoy the holidays.
    Read a book and then enjoy being with friends and family.

  2. Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday. Happy New Year.
    Thanks for keeping us up to date on all your happenings. :elf: :candycane2:

  3. :christmas1: Merry Christmas to you. And your family Carly.What a nice Chridtmas treat. 🙂
    Carol L. :christmastree3:

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    I open my browser page
    and what do I see?
    A great big picture of
    my favorite Son of Anarchy!!


  5. Thanks for the gorgeous present!! *wink-wink* Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and looking forward to more of your books in 2015! :christmastree2:

  6. May your holidays be full of fun and laughter. May the New Year be happy, healthy and prosperous and filled with Great Books. :christmastree3: :christmastree2: :christmas1: :newyear:

  7. So sorry for your bad bad mood. So glad you came out of it with a great photo. Merry Christmas to the Phillips Family.

  8. Thank you for all the giveaways and appreciation you have shown toward us fans. We hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Tremendously happy New Year.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and everyone else. I hope everyone has a great holiday. :christmastree3: :christmas1:

  10. Thanks for the gorgeous picture and for all you do for us fans. Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

  11. merry christmas and happy new year. heading out early christmas morning for 400 mile drive to delaware to see my son, d.i.l. and 2 granddaughters-they want us to become a part of their holiday traditions. and hopefully to visit with my sister, who was recently diagnosed with rare form of tissue cancer-after worrying for 3 months that a snow storm will hit (can handle this monster rainstorm)-i didn’t factor in cough and cold to arrive thx to a customer. an emotional trip. but hubby will be happy-no voice!!

  12. Just got back from our holiday travels. Hope your holidays have been happy. Wishing you all the best in the New Year.


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