What’cha Reading?

BLOG: Good morning! I read a lot this week! First, a new to me author who will have her first Berkley book out next year – RETURN TO ME by Kelly Moran – trust me you do not want to miss this emotional, wonderful story. Then I read Shayla Black, THEIRS TO CHERISH, always love me a good Shayla Black story! (erotic romance). Another hot one, Submit and Surrender, Chloe Cox, Club Volare. So … WHAT ARE YOU READING?

22 thoughts on “What’cha Reading?”

  1. I’m just getting ready to start a new book. It will either be Far Too Tempting by Lauren Blakely or Good Together by CJ Carmichael.

  2. I’m reading Shana Galen’s Sapphires are an Earl’s Best Friend. As soon as I finish I’m going to read Julia London’s The Trouble with Honor.

  3. I’m reading FALLING FOR THE MARINE by Samanthe Beck on my Nook.

    I’m also reading SHEIKH WITH BENEFITS by Teresa Morgan on my Kindle.

  4. Finished the two most recent Iris Johansen books from the Eve Duncan series. And started Death, Taxes, and a French Manicure which is the first in a series by Diane Kelly. :easter:

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