
Dare to Love Kindle World New Releases

I’m so happy to bring you more DARE TO LOVE KINDLE WORLD stories! These talented ladies have outdone themselves. You will adore these characters and books … each day we’ll feature one of these authors … but for now, here they all are …ย 

KINDLE WORLD NOTES – see below/beneath all the books for KW info!

One Daring Night by Mari Carr


One Daring Night-highresย 

ย Joniโ€™s had better birthdays. Catching her boyfriend at a fancy restaurant with some bimboย certainly wasnโ€™t what sheโ€™d wished for when she blew out the candles. Newly unattached,ย sheโ€™s ready to embrace singlehood by going wild, being reckless, maybe even indulgingย in some meaningless sex.

Depressed with his shallow love life, Eric Bryant is commiserating with his friend,ย Alex Dare, over a meal at his favorite restaurant. He vows to marry the next woman heย sleeps withโ€”just before a firecracker confronts her cheating boyfriend at the next table.

Intrigued, Eric offers to buy her a beer. Joni agrees on two conditions: She wants tequila,ย and complete honesty. Eric promises nothing but the truth.

After one daring night, what happens when two people with such similar hungers wantย such different futures?

ย BUY –ย ONE DARING NIGHT –ย http://amzn.to/1HtbYWT



Mari Carr FB Profile ImageWriting a book was number one on Mari Carrโ€™s bucket list. A New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller, Mariโ€™s computer is now jammed full of stories โ€” novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends.
Mari writes contemporary erotic romance novels. To learn more about her spicy stories, click here.
Join her newsletter so you don’t miss new releases and for exclusive subscriber-only content.
Find Mari on the web atย www.maricarr.com | Facebook | Twitter | Email: carmichm1@yahoo.com



Twice As Darling by Sami Lee



Publicist Abby Lehman likes her jobโ€”until she finds herself working as a glorified babysitter for cocky-as-the-devil NFL star Sam Cormack. Sam is unpredictable, unruly, impossibleโ€”and also impossibly sexy. It has taken all Abbyโ€™s willpower to keep from throwing herself at him like one of his groupies. When her boss insists she accompany Sam to a black tie restaurant opening, things heat up even further. And when she finds out Sam has also been lusting after her she throws caution to the wind and indulges in a hot tryst with him that threatens her career as well as her heart.

Sam knows he screwed up with Abby and curses his impulsive nature. Making love to her was something heโ€™d wanted for a long time, but he should have taken things slower with her, made sure they got to know each other. Now she thinks he only wants her for sex, just when Samโ€™s realizing sheโ€™s the first woman to make him want the real deal in a long time.

Can he make her believe heโ€™s ready to put his playboy days behind him and start something real with his Miss Right?

ย BUY – TWICE AS DARING –ย http://amzn.to/1HtaxaXย 




Sami Lee Author PhotoDespite falling in love with creative writing in her teenage years, Sami worked a wide variety of jobs on her way to eventual publication. As a bartender she used to scrawl snatches of dialogue on the back of flyers advertising $2 drink specials. Now she types on a computer like a bonafide, professional author–but she wouldn’t mind finding a bar that still sells $2 drinks. If you know of one, please email her or contact her on Twitter or Facebook.

An author of hot, unashamedly romantic stories, Sami and lives in Australia with her husband and two stupendous daughters. If that’s too far away for you, visit her webhome at www.samilee.com.

Her Daring Mistake by Rhian Cahill
Her Daring Mistake-highres

Thereโ€™s something familiar about the gorgeous woman across the crowded club. When he โ€œaccidentallyโ€ bumps into her, Alex Dean is shocked to discover what it is: The tall, leggy blonde is none other than Sadie Emerson, his college math tutorโ€”and the subject of more fantasies than he could count. Years later, sheโ€™s looking better than ever. He has to have her. Tonight. Immediately.


Does it really matter that she thinks sheโ€™s going home with his buddy, Alex Dare?


Apparently it does. Because she sneaks away the morning after. Twice. First, when she discovers her mistake, then when she decides her upcoming move to New York makes them a two-day stand at best. But the sex is off-the-charts combustible, and Alex is already seeing stars, hearing bellsโ€ฆenvisioning houses and picket fences and other things heโ€™d never considered.


Now all he has to do is convince Sadie his feelings are real. His shy wallflower might consider him a daring mistakeโ€”but Alex has never been more certain.

BUYย –ย HER DARING MISTAKEhttp://amzn.to/1OtieDaย 

RhianCahillRhian Cahill is the alter ego of a stay-at-home mother of four. With motherly duties rapidly dwindling Rhian is able to make use of the fertile imagination she used to keep herself sane for all those years of slavery. Having spent some years living overseas and visiting tropical climates has helped inspire some steamy stories. Multi-published in erotic romance, Rhian, with the help of Mr. Muse, spends her days and nights writing.ย When not glued to the keyboard youโ€™ll find her book in hand avoiding any and all housework as much as possible.


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A Dare Worth Takingย 

Erin Nicholasย 

Sometimes thereโ€™s no escaping Destinyโ€ฆ


When Miami Thunder star receiver Jax Elliot fell in love with Destiny Duncan, it felt right. He didnโ€™t care that she was a trainer for the Thunderโ€™s biggest rivals. Didnโ€™t care about his boss or hers, didnโ€™t care what the fans or the media thought. Destiny was the best thing to ever happen to himโ€”until he started dropping the ball. Literally. And he was forced to make a choice. The woman he loved. Or the game he loved.ย 

He chose poorly.

Months later, in need of a trainer he can trust, Jax turns to the woman he still wants above all others. Things quickly turn physicalโ€”the sex between them more explosive than everโ€”and the physical quickly becomes emotional. One thing hasnโ€™t changed: Jax and Des are still deeply in love. But something else remains the same as well. He still canโ€™t catch a damn ball with Destiny in his head.

Itโ€™ll take a Dareโ€”or threeโ€”to help Jax understand itโ€™s not about catching every ballโ€ฆitโ€™s about knowing that the woman he loves will always be there to catch him.

ย BUY A DARE WORTH TAKING –ย http://amzn.to/1LQbrVu

Author photoI’ve been reading romance since my mom first let me into her book cupboard when I was about fourteen. LaVyrle Spencer, Julie Garwood, Debbie Macomber… they took my ‘happily ever after’ ideas from animated princesses to real people in the real world.

I’ve been writing romance almost as long. Many a family car trip was spent with my head bent over a spiral notebook in the back seat. I’ll confess that my very first attempts at fiction were fantasy and paranormals, influenced by my father’s love of the Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and the original Alice in Wonderland. If Harry Potter had been around, I’m sure he would have been on the bedtime story shelf as well.

But it wasn’t long until I started writing about true love and that’s where I’ve been ever since.

I’m so thrilled to be able to share these stories with you! I hope that they make you smile, sigh, maybe even choke up a little. Most of all, I hope that they help you believe in magical things like first kisses, the spark of passion, and the power of true love.

I’d love to hear from you! Please write me at Erin (at) ErinNicholas.com

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If You Dare


Heโ€™ll help her speed right past her limitsโ€ฆif she dares.

Pop princess Peyton Pryor wants just one night to break out of the mold sheโ€™s been stuck in for way too long. Successful beyond her wildest dreams, she canโ€™t help wanting moreโ€”to write her own music, to head into edgier territory, to have some fun. Particularly the naughty kind that doesnโ€™t match her pristine, sanitized image.

An illicit joyride in a borrowed Porsche leads her straight to ex-Detective and current romantic suspense author Noah Keaton, who has been feeling itchy about his own mold lately. After turning his back on being a cop, heโ€™s been on the straight and narrow for far too long. If Peytonโ€™s hungry for experience, heโ€™s just the man for the job. Because heโ€™s hungry for her.

Maybe this time, one dare will become so much moreโ€ฆ

ย BUY IF YOU DARE –ย http://amzn.to/1Htc9kZ








USA Today bestselling author Cari Quinn wrote her first storyโ€”a bible parableโ€”in 2nd grade, much to the delight of the nuns at her Catholic school. Once she saw the warm reception that first tale garnered, she was hooked. Now she gets to pen sexy romances for a living and routinely counts her lucky stars.ย When sheโ€™s not scribbling furiously, she can usually be found watching menโ€™s college basketball, playing her music way too loud or causing trouble. Sometimes simultaneously.

Websiteย / Facebookย / Newsletter




Double Dare


Taryn ElliotA blind date from hell turns into a dare that changes everything.

Jewelry designer Presley Warren is sick of spending every single night alone. The crushing weight of running her familyโ€™s business leaves little time for the designing she loves. Itโ€™s no surprise that dating is last on her to-do list. In a moment of weakness she agrees to let her best friend set her up.

In a funk, millionaire Vance Oโ€™Neal is dragged to the first home game of the season for the Miami Thunder. He literally runs into a gorgeous blond as soon as he walks into the stadium. Sheโ€™s light and laughter and the first woman to pull at him in years. One problemโ€”sheโ€™s already taken. In a twist of fate, heโ€™s seated next to Presley at the game. Her date shows his true colors as a rude, self-involved jerk so Vance canโ€™t help himself when the Halftime Kiss Cam pans onto them. He dares her to kiss himโ€”in fact, he double dares her to take a chance on a stranger.

Heโ€™s convinced her to start with one nightโ€”now he wants a shot at forever.

ย BUY DOUBLE DARE –ย http://amzn.to/1N2JS8D



Taryn Elliott is an international bestselling contemporary romance author that has made it her mission in life to get as many rockstar stories out of her head and onto the page as possible. She never knew that her fascination with everything music could be translated into the perfect way to make a living. And with that wide-open playground she gets to mix in tattoo artists, winery entrepreneurs, book owners, millionaires and anything else you could think of. There’s never a dull momentโ€”or hot manโ€”that canโ€™t be created when sheโ€™s at the keyboard.

She comes from upstate NY and grew up with parents who passed on their love of television and movies, so writing stories seemed like a natural progression. She falls in love with every hero as she writes him and thereโ€™s always an eclectic soundtrack to match. She loves to hear from her readers and is on most social media platforms. You can find all her links at http://tarynelliott.com or email her at taryn(at)tarynelliott.com.


KW are AMAZON/KINDLE EXCLUSIVES – which you can read on any smart phone, tablet, or computer even if you aren’t always a kindle reader via this FREE download/app –http://tinyurl.com/kbvx66x


There are 2 ways to read these books – one if you have a U.S. kindle address and one if you don’t. If you have a US Kindle address you should be able to buy from the US Kindle store.

If you don’t– you can manually switch your Kindle association from the country of registration to the U.S. one, buy the book you want and then switch back to the original country.

Go to settings, in the middle you can see what country you are associated with. Then just a bit above there is a section that tells you what country you can change associations –>> follow that link –>> change to the country of your choice (in her case, she had only had two choices, but others may have more) –>> choose the American site. You’ll be transferred, and able to buy the books in the Dare Kindle World! Then do the same process in reverse to get back to the original site for your country.


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