Dare to Surrender Giveaway!

Easy peasy! Enter to win a copy of DARE TO SURRENDER in your choice of eBook format! As soon as it’s available, I’ll send to the winner.  Since my daughter is graduating college and I won’t have internet access at all times, winner posted Monday instead of Sunday!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

362 thoughts on “Dare to Surrender Giveaway!”

  1. Happy Graduation to your daughter! I hope it’s a day to remember for all of you! :clap:

  2. Congrats to your daughter on graduating college!! It takes a LOT of hard work to get there, so best wishes for the future!

  3. Thank you Carly for such a nice opportunity to get a copy of your new book.

    Congratulations on your daughter graduating!

    Teresa K.
    tcwgrlup41(at) yahoo dot com

  4. Happy Graduation! Don’t forget to take time to breathe and enjoy all your hard work! 🙂

  5. Hope your weekend is productive and fun. We’ll be going from 80+ degrees to 60’s and rain.

  6. Happy Graduation to your daughter. I am assuming it’s the older one this weekend graduating from college & not the senior in high school daughter. Busy year for you.

  7. Thanks for the awesome giveaway and a big congrats to your daughter! What a wonderful accomplishment!

  8. Congrats on the graduation! My daughter,my youngest child, just finished her freshman year in college! And thanks for the giveaway!

  9. I keep saying this, but it is wonderful that you share so much with us. I love your books

  10. Thanks for the great giveaway! Congratulations on the graduation!
    Wishing everyone a safe and fun weekend! :snoopydance:

  11. I wish that I had something witty or exciting to say! I enjoy your books and I also enjoy your FB posts too! It was neat to see that Whoopi Goldberg does too!

  12. Congratulations on completing college here’s hoping you have a great future. :cheer:

  13. Wishing Carly’s daughter a happy graduation this Sunday!

    Thanks for the chance at the giveaway

  14. Happy Graduation !!! Im graduating soon too !!:) &. thanks for the giveawaay ! :woot: :yourock: :cheer:

  15. Onward and upward. You need to be able to support your mom in the manner she would like to become accustomed to!! Congrats!!

  16. “Congratulations!
    Today is your day.
    You’re off to Great Places!
    You’re off and away!”
    ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

    WTG!! :angelbanana:

  17. HAPPY GRADUATION DAY to your daughter! I know how proud you are of her! Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. All the best in your future. You are the helmsman of your life, steer your course wisely

  19. Congratulations to your daughter on her upcoming graduation and congratulations on your upcoming release of “Dare To Surrender” it sounds great. Enjoy the graduation ceremony.

  20. :woot: Happy Graduation!!!

    Thank you for the giveaway Carly :cheerleader2: You must be so proud!

  21. Happy Graduation Day! Here’s hoping for great weather,great family and great friends!

  22. Congratulations on Graduating. You should be so proud of yourself. I hope each year from now on is Blessed with everything you every dream of.

  23. Congratulations on your Graduation! So happy for you. Your entire family must be very proud.

    Thanks for the giveaway Carly. Your books Rock!
    :woot: :yourock:

  24. Happy Graduation Day! I wish for you a life filled with tons of love and laughter – it can get you through almost anything!

  25. Congratulations and Best Wishes to the graduate! It is such a special time for the family!

  26. Congratulations to your daughter and thanks for the giveaway. Can’t wait to continue on in your series and can’t wait to read a book that means so much to you.

  27. such a proud moment. totally understand those feelings. congrats to your daughter on her accomplishments and to you and your family.

  28. Congratulations to your daughter and to the family too It’s a major accomplishment! Went through it a year ago today when my son graduated from Washington University in St Louis. Hope all her dreams come true! :glasses: :angelbanana:

  29. :woot: You thought the day our children are born it is our happiest! Everyday our children prove us wrong. The make everyday happier. Congratulation on your daughter’s graduation from college. You have to be very proud.

  30. :present: Congratulations on the upcoming graduation. I’m sure you worked hard and deserve all the best in the future. It’s an exciting time!

  31. Bet you guys are excited. Happy Graduation day to your daughter.
    :angelbanana: :angelbanana:

  32. :wave: Congratulations! :wave:
    Happy Graduation! Wishing you a lifetime of success and happiness.

  33. Congratulations!!!!

    I cannot wait to read this book! Love the series and the brothers!

  34. Graduation is a big milestone on your way to adulthood. Congratulations to you! I hope all of your dreams come true.

  35. Congratulations on graduating from college :woot: :woot: :yourock: :wave: :cheerleader2: :clap: :clap: :snoopydance:

  36. Can’t wait for the new book and congrats to your daughter on her graduation. Now go and enjoy real life!

  37. Congratulations to your daughter!

    Unfortunately I can’t like your Amazon page because my account is on hold for some reason and won’t hear back from an account specialist for 24 hrs :,(

  38. Happy Graduation to your daughter! May you all have a wonderful weekend with beautiful weather to enjoy the ceremony and celebration!

  39. Congratulations on getting your Bachelor’s degree (or is it a Master’s?). Hope you find just the perfect job for yourself.

  40. Hope your daughter has an amazing day, filled with amazing memories to last a lifetime. Congratulations!!

  41. Congratulations to your daughter. I wish her all the most wonderful opportunities that will come her way.

  42. Carly I can’t wait to read another wonderful book of yours! You have been my favorite author of yours for so many years! Even if I don’t win I will still be buying your book!
    Thanks for writing for your fans!

  43. Carly I can’t wait to read another wonderful book of yours! You have been my favorite author of yours for so many years! Even if I don’t win I will still be buying your book!
    Thanks for writing for your fans!

  44. Congratulations to your daughter on her graduation. May she always achieve the goals she sets for herself in life.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  45. Happy Grad Day to Mom and Daughter :woot: My son is graduating this weekend from grad school with a Dr of Physical Therapy! Celebrate!!!

  46. Happy Graduation! May the world be forever in the palm of your hand and the promise of tomorrow neverending.

  47. Congratulations! College graduation – an accomplishment for the whole family to celebrate!

  48. Congrats to your daughter. I hope she has a great future and finds a Job she loves. Thanks for having this giveaway.

  49. Happy graduation day for her! I’m graduating college this August, so I can imagine how awesome she must be feeling right now 🙂 congrats!

  50. Omg!! I have the first to on my kindle! I would love to read this one sooner rather than later!! I love everything you write total awesomeness!!! You rock Carly!! Big hugs!!

  51. Also congrats to your daughter on graduating college!! Major big deal for her!! Best wishes to her future and kudos to you Mommy for a job well done!! 🙂

  52. Congratulations on your graduation from college. I hope you have so much fun being released from studies. Now you can actually apply all that you have learned and feel so proud of yourself and all you have accomplished.

  53. Thank You for the chance to win Dare To Surrender. I hope you enjoy your Daughter’s Graduation weekend.

  54. A parent;s joy is their child’s accomplishments. Congrats, mom and much luck for success mom’s graduating child!

  55. Happy graduation day! This is your very special day, and you have a very bright future ahead of you!!!

  56. Happy Graduation! It’s been a long time since I graduated but I still remember how much fun I had. Party like it’s 1999! :alien:

  57. Wow, graduation! That is such a sweet accomplishment 🙂 Happy Graduation and congratulations!

  58. Congratulations to both you & your daughter for making it to graduation. You both put in your tine albeit it differently. You’re daughter did the work and you were there for her when she needed you – even those times she didn’t ask.

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