A comment in the earlier blog got me thinking … someone said the books I recommended were hotter than what they usually read … Agreed on many levels. But there were mild ones too … Jane Porter and Kaira Rouda. I hope I’m not scaring anyone away with the heat level of recommendations. I’ll always try to even it out a bit because I do read both … although I tend towards the hotter books in my personal reading choices. And I hope you all don’t mind the authors I share/recommend. OK explanation over … WHAT ARE YOU READING? Recommend books for us please!
What you recommend doesn’t scare me as I having reading these types of books for years now…ever since I discovered All Romance and Siren Bookstrand websites. At the moment, I am reading “Their Virgin Secretary” by Shayla Black…really like it. Tate keeps me giggling!
I am reading the earth Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon
“Dare to Desire” Of course!! LOL
Great story, do far!
Thanks for the read, Carly!!
Dark Hunter I don’t know why it put earth
I am reading Dare to Desire. Hot book recommendations are Backstage Pass Series by Olivia Cunning, The Driven Trilogy by K. Bromberg, anything from Jayne Rylon, Mari Carr, Lora Leigh, Jaci Burton, Erin Nicholas, and Erika Wilde.
Have a Great Day!
Currently reading Wild Heat by Bella Andre. It’s about 5 years old, but new to me! I love your recommendations, so please keep them coming!
I just finished Burn For Me by Shiloh Walker 🙂 Can’t wait for her next one! Now ??? My TBR pile is huge!! 😉
No, I appreciate all book recommendations. Never know what will click with me. Love finding new to me authors to add to my ever growing TBR list.
Finished Home to Seaview Key by Sherryl Woods late last night.
Today I’ll be starting Delightful by Adrienne Lee. It’s book 3 in her Big Sky Pie series.
A) Love some of the hotter recs (especially Sophie Oak!!!)
B) I’m reading Lora Leigh’s Maverick and listening to Jennifer Estep’s Deadly Sting
James Patterson’s 12th of Never
I just started reading First Love-Oakville series
By Kathy-Jo Reinhart. So good!
Doesn’t scare me at all! Been reading those books for awhile and I ALWAYS appreciate hearing about new books from you
I say bring on the heat !!!!! I’m reading Do or Die by Suzanne Brockmann and Killer by Jonathan Kellerman
I am reading Blossom Street Brides by Debbie Macomber. :easter:
Hi Carly! Please keep those recommendations coming. I love finding new to me authors. I have been reading Tawny Weber’s books since I am on her Sassy Sweethearts reading team. Currently I am reading THE LADY MOST LIKELY, which has been out for a while, but new to me. Next, I am planning to read KNOWING THE SCORE by Kat Latham.
I like both types too. Right now I am reading Night After Night by Lauren Blakely
I’m reading Three Sisters by Susan Mallery. Next will be Evening Stars…..
i just finished Dash of Peril by Lori Foster and your recommend Beauty’s Kiss by Jane Porter.
I just finished reading Ink Reunited by Carrie Ann Ryan and it was really good.
I’m about to start Mari Carr’s new book Full Position, book #3 in her Big east seris.
I’ve been having touble finding books with some heat in them, so keep recommending. I’m reading Four Friends by Robyn Carr.
I would not worry about scaring anyone away as long as you are being honest.
Just because a reader doesn’t care for the same books you do, does not mean they will jump ship from your blog.
First off–how do you get the smilies from their home above the comment section and onto the comment you make?
Just finished Fangs,Fur,and Mistletoe by Selena Blake. Not sure I liked it enough to recommend or read more of her books. I have so many books waiting to be read that I really need to keep the best and delete the others. The day before I finished Night After Night by(do I need to say?)Lauren Blakely. Just started The Blue Stocking and the Rake by Norma Darcy.
Now, recommendations any thing from Lynn Red. I just love her shifter books. Lucy Kevin has 2 boxed sets of Wedding stories centered around the Rose Chalet. I’ll have my review on Goodreads before Monday. Definitely for the reader who wants less hotness in her books.
Oh… please keep the heat coming I have loved all of your recommendations. Right now I am reading Jaci Burton’s Hope series.
Can I add a something to think about?
Just read this quote from Money Talks website about clean desks or messy desks. “”After all, it was Einstein who said, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind,of what,then,is an empty desk a sign?” Hmm.””
Well, Carly, since you have a lot of imagination, do you have a cluttered desk?
Good Saturday morning Carly
I’m reading Dare to Desire and greatly enjoying it. And, no I don’t mind the more spicier romances. The exception for me is vampire and historicals. But that’s the great part about the romance genre, so many different reads.
Lawyer In Love – Laws of Attraction by N.M Silber.
I just finished reading Dana Marton’s Broslin Creek series. If you like Romantic Suspense you can’t go wrong with her books. There’s heat in her books but not what I would consider too spicy.
I like reading all kinds of books and love many of the authors you have recommended so keep them coming.
I never thought I’d like paranormal books until I read Jaci Burton’s A Storm for all Seasons series; I loved them!
If you haven’t read books by Vivian Arend you have to try them – WOW HOT HOT HOT – especially the Six Pack Ranch series.
:yourock: If they’re hotter than she normally reads then why is she reading them? Duh. That’s why they’re called recommendations – one can take it or leave it! Don’t let anyone change who you are or what you recommend! I just finished the first 3 books of a 7-book series, Captive, Bound and Entwined by Samantha Jacobey. Oh wow. An incredible series (but with the warning that there is some pretty harsh sexual abuse of the heroine as she finds her freedom from her past). The first 3 books are so powerful and leave a good taste in your mouth; but you do have to wait for the next 4 in the series as they’re not written yet.
I like my books from vanilla to the hottest pepper there is. I am currently reading Kate Carlisle Bibliophile Mystery series about books.
Pulleeze. Your (or anyone’s) recommendations gives me possibilities — and opens me up to new and different ideas/books. If I don’t like ’em, I won’t read ’em again. So thank you, for putting it out there! :bwhip: (See? Even the banana is up for something new!)
I`m reading Hot Pursuit by Lynn Raye Harris Its the first in her Hot Operations Team series. I`m only 3 chapters in but so far its really good.
I’m reading Four Friends by Robyn Carr. She is an auto-buy for me. Next up, The Collector, by Nora.
I love your recs!
Love and other scandals by Caroline Linden.
Right now I am reading Enders Game
I’m reading CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE by Annette Dashofy.
:yourock: Keep on recommending. I am always on the lookout for new authors and a variety of themes.
I’m almost finished with Dash of Peril by Lori Foster…so good!!!
:reading: I’m reading Nauti Intention by Lora Leigh
I read all levels of steamy 🙂 Right now I’m reading The King by J.R. Ward. Love this series.
not scared
Everyone has their own taste in reading. I am usually not drawn to erotica, but I have read a few that I liked. I tend to read contemporary or historical romance. I just finished What a Reckless Rogue Needs by Vicky Dreiling & stayed up all night to finish it!
lori foster’s “dash of peril”. i appreciate your recommendations; how else can i find different books. so keep those recommendations coming. great help in weeding out writers. so thank you. lora leigh and maya banks have great series going as do robyn carr and jill shalvis. just no paranormal for me!!
I just finished the SEDUCED BY THE GAME anthology of hockey romance novellas. Part (or all, I’m not sure) of the proceeds goes to Hockey Fights Cancer.
Reading Navy Wife by Debbie Macomber an older one but one I haven’t read. No worries about recommendations after all I can make the choice of reading it or not :cheerleader2:
Harlequin Junkie turned me on to a new indie author this week,Brenda Rothert. The first book in her Now series, Now and Then, was a freebie from both Amazon & B&N. I liked it so much I got the other two in the series and read them Thursday and Friday. Between HJ and you,I’ve broadened my reading interests. However, my next read is Nora Roberts’
I have a couple of books that I recommend, I love the book Intractable Souls by Tricia Daniels. Archer’s Voice by Mia Sheridan is awesome and I just finished Angel after Dark by Kahlen Aymes it was wow.
I love your recommendations and have been reading those types of books for a while now so pleeasse keep telling us about new authors!!! 😛 I just finished the Driven trilogy by K Bromberg and am reading Fearsome by S A Wolfe. I read Dare to Desire before it came out thanks to you and my win!! Loved it and look forward to the next.