33 thoughts on “What’s Everyone Reading and …”

  1. I have discovered a series of Arthur C. Clarke’s books called Venus Prime. I have been getting them through my library system and so far two of them have been available for epub only so they have downloaded on my Sony reader. The third one was available for kindle so I read that one on my Kindle. Have 3 more to download and read. Really like these stories but they have a great deal of description of different things in them.

  2. I just finished reading I Have People by Taylor Dean on my Kindle, it was great.

    Last night I started reading a print copy of Nantucket Nights by Elin Hilderbrand.

  3. Currently I am reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed on my kindle. I borrowed it from my local library. I usually read a mix of stuff on my kindle as well as print books.

  4. castaway cove by joann ross-shelter bay series in book form; do have kindle and depends on my mood. like relaxing books to suspense, etc.

  5. The Christmas Bouquet by Sherryl Woods. I am reading it in paper, but I read a mix of paper and kindle books. And I also just started listening to audio books..

  6. Working 3 devices right now. Listening in my car to Ruth Reichl’s Garlic and Sapphires, and alternating at home between reading the book of Amy Poehler’s Yes Please, and on my kindle reading Her Favorite Temptation by Sarah Mayberry.

  7. I finished jacinda wilder’s “beta” and just finished Jaci burton’s “holiday on ice”,. I got a little creeped out by beta, but Jaci buttons book was a fun read.

  8. I just finished The Mistletoe Promise by Richard Paul Evans. Love his books.
    Next up I’ll be returning to Icicle Falls reading 4 of Sheila Roberts books that I somehow missed until I saw she had a new book out.
    I like reading print or on my Nook. I did get a Kindle last year as a gift but don’t like it as much as the Nook for many reasons.

    Happy Reading all and Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. Can’t believe it’s here already. Another year flown by!

  9. I just read Lauren Hawkeye’s Master of Pleasure (Eden series) as I have been waiting for it — LOVED it!! Also read an ARC of hers that is different than her usual writing and it was amazing. I read a mix however since I am at a client site for the next few weeks, I am using my iPad mini and Kindle. Have a great weekend everyone!

  10. I’m reading the LOL 2 compilation. It’s got short stories from a bunch of different authors. I mostly read on my Kindle app on my phone or my tablet. I do still read regular paper books too, but I prefer my Kindle app. :heart:

  11. Just finished “Ivan” by Roxie Rivera on my nook, “Down and Out” by Kelly R Martin on my Kindle app and starting “Gasa Gasa Girl Goes to Camp – A Nisei Youth behind a WWII Fence” by Lily Yuriko Nakai Havey in print. Both my parents were born in relocation camps during the war so this will be a interesting read.

  12. I’m on book 3 of the Christmas in New York series. They’re written by 4 different authors but intertwine a bit. Really good!! I mostly read on my kindle since I need either readers or bifocals…and have neither :yuck:

  13. Message from Nam by Danielle Steel and Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson both in print. Been thinking alot about a friend who died 4 years after coming home from Afghanistan

  14. Just finished John Cleese’s autobiography “So, Anyway” in print from the library. Reading “Kiss of Christmas Magic” anthology on my Kindle app.

  15. Just finished ARC of Flare and am now reading Seals of Winter boxed set. There are tears in at least one story.

  16. Oops, use a Kindle Fire HDX (reader and tablet) mostly. Have a Nook that has stories that I haven’t read yet and some that I have. Have a few print books to read, but really prefer my Kindle. Easier on the hands to hold.

  17. Reading Catherine MAnn’s newest. I’ve never read her before, but I saw that it had a rescue dog as a central character…Once I saw that there was a dog in the story, I was hooked!!!
    Call me old fashioned, but I still prefer a book. I hate reading on my kindle.

  18. All You Need is Love by Marie Force. I’m really loving it so far! I’m reading it on my kindle. Which is what I read on most of the time.

  19. Jaci Burton’s Play by Play series…I’m on #4. I am doing a mix of ebook (public library) and print (used bookstore online). Honestly wherever I can find them the fastest 🙂 I took a break when Cristin Harber’s Hart Attack came out. AWESOMENESS!

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