
Happy Birthday Buddy – You are missed

buddyIf you were around during the early plotmonkey days, you remember I had a dog named BUDDY.Β  Buddy was the best dog.Β  Oh, he had his bad habits, pooping in certain rooms, occasionally in his crate … he had fur that wasn’t the easiest to keep groomed … but he was the light of my life and the dog of my heart.Β  He wasn’t my first dog, so I can honestly say I know the difference.Β  Each dog is different, each brings something special to my life and my home.Β  Buddy’s birthday is today.Β  He was 12 1/2 when we lost him and its’ surreal for me to say he would have been 16.Β  HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY BOY.Β  You are always missed.




In a very odd way, Brady is very much like Buddy.Β  He poops where he wants (not in the crate thank goodness), he has that cranky fur that’s hard to keep easily groomed.Β  When he looks into my eyes, I think he really knows me.Β  But it’s hard to believe he never knew Buddy.Β  Bailey did.Β  She never showed me she missed him.Β  I think she knew it was his time and he needed to go.Β  But she loved him.Β  And so did I.


27 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Buddy – You are missed”

  1. Good morning Carly. It is always hard to lose a pet that you loved like a family member. Happy Birthday Buddy.

  2. As a pet owner, I can so relate to the joy, love and loss that each special pet has brought me! Happy Birthday Buddy!

  3. I so understand. I was thinking of my Ferris, I had to put her down, she had cancer. three years ago and I still miss her today.

  4. Happy Birthday in Heaven to your Buddy! I love my Buddy the same way and would be miserable if I lost him.{{{HUGS}}}

  5. I know what you mean, we had to put our dog asleep a couple weeks ago and it kills that I couldn’t be there with her. She was 19, I know right, most fogs don’t live even close to that! Maddy was the best, we swear the candy kept her alive that long, expecially red hots lol. My mom and dad got her cremated so all of us can have a little of her with us. They have another dog that is 10 now I think, she grew up with Maddy, even tho Riley, the younger dog was the dominate dog of the house. She misses him, we can tell, dye has taken to sleeping with my parents which she never does and during the day she lays on maddy’s bed. Maddy was an amazing dog and I’m glad you had one of those types of dogs that touch your heart like mine did.

  6. My thoughts are with you missing Buddy. I had a cat, Wally, who was the best. He’s been gone 14 months and I still miss him every day!

  7. Carly yesterday was my birthday but it will always be overshadowed in my heart by my grandmother’s death on the 24. But I have learned to not be sad by her death but to celebrate her life. I remember all the things i loved about her and in a way give rebirth to her spirit. Sharing these things help me with her passing. So feel free to share your buddy experiences. Maybe buddy can be immortalized on one of your books.

  8. My parents had a dog exactly like Buddy – oh that fur was a huge PAIN. They were out jogging and he was a puppy who began following them (he had been dumped). When they got back to their truck to leave he ran after the truck. They decided anyone that stubborn deserved a home. He lived 14 years, happily.

  9. Thinking of you today. :brokenheart: My Buttons (nickname is Buddy) is 11 now and I know I will be devastated when his time comes.

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUDDY! Carly, my heart and prayers go out to you. It is always very difficult to lose a beloved member of your family. I lost my 13 year old toy fox terrier on May 22nd. I still grieve for her. Almost 3 months later, I lost my beloved husband of 39 years to cancer. Hugs to you!

  11. I can so relate… A few years ago, we lost the first dog my hubby had from a puppy. He was 14 when he passed and we’d had him since he was about 6 weeks old. My hubby took it very hard and still misses him terribly. They were best buds and inseparable. I’ve been a dog parent for as long as I can remember so I am as prepared as one can be when a pet passes. They ARE the lights of our lives and make us better people when they share their lives with us. Right now, we have two Shih-Tzus — a girl named Minnie who is 13, and a boy named Igor who is 7. I know Minnie’s time is drawing near, but it is so hard to imagine our lives without her. In the mean time, we keep her as healthy and happy as we can. Losing a pet is never easy because they are like kids to us. It’s a damn shame their lifetimes aren’t longer… but that doesn’t keep us from wanting them in our lives for as long as possible…

  12. Happy Birthday to Buddy! I cried right along with you when he died. We lost my dad’s lab around the same time and I still miss her every single day.

  13. I know just how you feel. When I lost my Katie at 15 1/2 I was devasted. My son was on the east coast going to school, so I was left with a cat. Just not the same. I now have Sophie and life is so much better.

  14. I still miss my Penny,a Chihuahua/terrier mix. I was lucky. My vet let me stay with her for her last moments. She was a senior dog and very sick. This was about 15 years ago.

  15. I understand what you are feeling. We lost our Schipperke, Juliette, just before she turned 18. She would have been 20 on April 16. She was an amazing lady!

  16. Thanks for sharing. It’s always so hard to lose a pet, especially one that was your heart. There will never be another Buddy, but I am glad you had room in your heart for more dogs.

  17. I can’t believe it has been 3 years.
    I know I had been visiting the plotmonkeys from when the site started and I knew Buddy.
    He was a very special boy. I know what you mean about there being that special dog that can just see in your soul and takes care of you as you take care of them. I know Buddy is in a special place and you are the better person for having had Buddy in your life.

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