DARE TO SURRENDER – COMING IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS! I really am trying to get my preorder #’s up higher than they were for DARE TO DESIRE so if you’re waiting, please preorder today! xo
Please help spread the word! Available everywhere July 15th! #Ink_Heart
Preorder here:
Kindle – http://amzn.to/1kHRscw
iBooks – http://bit.ly/1o0hk6V
Print – amzn.to/1kjgKc5
I’m busy writing the end of my Kindle World Novella, THE SEDUCTION, so I’m relying on easy blog posts. Ask questions, I’ll try to answer. Best I can do today! :snoopydance:ย
I pre-ordered it the very first time you posted it :thumbsup: Can’t wait to read it :reading:
Pre-ordered today 7/3 from amazon, I can’t wait for their story!!! :taz:
I pre-ordered the print back in June.
Also, your print link is not working.
:glasses: Done. Have to have the whole set, of course!
Pre-ordered forever ago, at least that’s how it feels. Can’t wait for the book. :angelbanana:
I pre-ordered the kindle version a looooong time ago!! I am confused about ordering this newer story The Seduction. Can you expain it?
Will do, now shoo! Go write! [Please.] :angelbanana:
I would love to pre-order, but have a Nook so I can’t!
:pray: I’m hoping that it’s released in audio, :pray: